23. Juni 2006

Gluttony, or simply lust?

It is dark night, the blue hour of the day. The moon is shining on your naked, wondrous and uniformly shaped figure of your body. You are sleeping next to me. I can see your soft skin, your slightly curly hair and I can smell your aura. I breath a tropic scenery and the wildness of nature awakes in me. My hand is touching your ellbow. I start to stroke up to your fingers. You awake and give me a little smile. Your turn your unreproachful body to me, as I can see the uniformity of your body. Your beautiful hands, your trim figure, your slender legs, your sweet belly button. Your breast are raising and unraising in complete oneness with your breath. I kiss you softly and we feel each others goosebumps. I caress your face, your neck, your belly, your legs. My lips are scuffing your skin and my tongue is skimming all over your body. I feel your heart going faster, you are breathing more often. I look into your eyes, I see you smile and feel your happiness. Your lips form a soundless 'I love you' and mine doing the same. My hand and fingers snuggling to your waist and I feel the lust inside your body. The want to be within you propels my body to be united with you. You open your thighs and I lay between them. My penetration is soft and slowly. We move our bodies in the same rhythm, according to a dance like tango, we feel the heat, we want it never to stop, we enjoy each other, we would accept to die right at the moment before the eruptions runs through our bodies. 'Le petit mort', I think is the most correct expression for it. We wish to last this unique moment for ever and ever. No thoughts are filling our minds, every muscle braces and unwinds right a milisecond after that, happiness and fulfilment is rushing through each single fiber of our trunk. We were dying and shortly after, we are reborn again.

Is it wrong to wish for that feeling every single lonesome minute, the want to share this with our one lover? Would it not be awesome to be able to empathize this grand emotion every time you want and share it every time in the same way with your beloved?

6 Kommentare:

Meg hat gesagt…

That is drop-dead gorgeous, honey! :)

ICrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie hat gesagt…

*blush* That's very nice, sweetheart :o)

Meg hat gesagt…

Honor to whom honor is due. *smack*

ICrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie hat gesagt…

Now, I await something from YOU in your blog! ;o)

Meg hat gesagt…

Warum wurde da etwas gelöscht? :)
Kommt, sobald ich wieder einen eigenen Monitor habe :)

Fantasy or reality? :)

ICrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie hat gesagt…

Da bin ich ja mal gespannt :o)

Es wurde was gelöscht, weil ich mich da vertippt habe und es somit editiert habe ;o)

Also das bleibt nun mein Geheimnis, aber nur ein kleines, da es ja kein sehr außergewöhnliches Geschehen ist ;o)